Customer Service : 2157 2157

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Registration - Business Customer

Account Information

Please complete in English
*Mandatory field
Preferred Language:
Company Name *
Customer Type:
BR Number: *
(Please fax a copy of your BR along with your reference number to 2110-0888)

Contact Information

(Please input details of main Contact Person)
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Office Tel. Number: *
Mobile Number:
Email Address: *
sign up for Ebill NOW? *
** Customer who chooses to receive email bill will be waived off administrative fee for postal bill

Registration Address

(Please provide full company address)
Address 1: *
Address 2: *
Address 3: *

Postal Address

(If it is different from Registration Address)
Address 1:
Address 2:
Address 3:

Service Required

(Please Select)
Register Number:
If you want to register more numbers, please input all your numbers in the box by using ","

Payment Method

Please Select: *

Other Information

How did you learn about us?
Other IDD Service Provider Registered:
Please enter code
General Terms and Conditions
Our customer service representative will contact you within 2 working days.